Interaction in the Work Area

User interaction in the work area is recorded by a WebPageSubmitPS call. The form relies on the form field attribute USE_HTML_VAL, and thus ensures proper context management without customization.

The form name may change dynamically. While the form name is usually main or win (depending on the PeopleSoft version), it may, depending on server load, become main1, main2, win1, win2, and so on.

Because of this, the recorder records a WebPageSubmitPS(NULL, ...) function call that references the form by ordinal number rather than form name.

However, the BDH files implement global parsing for the dynamic form name during script execution, so the actual form name of the current page is always available in the global variable gsFormMain.

Example: User interaction within the work area

WebPageSubmitPS(NULL, MAIN005, "Product Definition", 4); // Form 4

The above example shows a WebPageSubmitPS function, which references the dynamic form by its ordinal number on the page.

The next example shows a typical submitted form. There is no need for customization of session or state management here because of the USE_HTML_VAL attributes. The only customization that may be required is the randomization of input values.

Example: Submitted form

"ICType"       := "" <USE_HTML_VAL> ,
               // hidden, unchanged, value: "Panel"
"ICElementNum" := "" <USE_HTML_VAL> ,
               // hidden, unchanged, value: "0"
"ICStateNum"   := "" <USE_HTML_VAL> ,
               // hidden, unchanged, value: "5"
"ICAction"     := "#ICSearch",
               // hidden, changed(!)
"ICXPos"       := "" <USE_HTML_VAL> ,
               // hidden, unchanged, value: "0"
"ICYPos"       := "" <USE_HTML_VAL> ,
               // hidden, unchanged, value: "0"
"ICFocus"      := "" <USE_HTML_VAL> ,
               // hidden, unchanged, value: ""
"ICChanged"    := "" <USE_HTML_VAL> ,
               // hidden, unchanged, value: "-1"
                             // unchanged, value: ""
                             // unchanged, value: "NEXT"