Web Service Emitter Timeout for Axis 1.x

Note: You do not need to specify timeouts with Axis2, as Axis2 handles timeouts itself.
When you generate Web service stub code for large WSDL files, the process of generating the Java source code may take longer than the default timeout specified by the Axis library. In such a case, the following exception is generated:
Failed to generate Web Service proxy library(webAxisProxy1.jar).:
Failed to create java source from WSDL.:
java.io.IOException:WSDL2Java emitter timed out (this often means the WSDL
at the specific URL is inaccessible)!
at com.seque.jeplorer.runtime.plugin.impl.webservice.axis.JExpAxisProxyGen
.generateProxyLibrary(JExpAxisProxyGen.java:272) at
.generateProxy(JExpAxisProxyGen.java:138) at

You can specify a WSDL2Java emitter timeout in a configuration file called webservice.properties. The property in the file must be called emitter.timeout. The value must be specified in milliseconds.

The file is located under <install dir>\Java Explorer\Startup\webservice.properties and has the following content:
# For generating Web Service stub code with axis libraries
# a timeout in milliseconds may be specified for the emitter to
# generate the source files