Estimating and Debiting Micro Focus Credits

Estimating Micro Focus Credits Consumption

Before you start a load test, Silk Performer displays an estimate of how many Micro Focus Credits you will likely be charged by the end of the load test. The estimate takes all virtual user license fees that are covered in the current testing period into account. However, it does not include any unforeseen charges that may be related to changes in simulation time or concurrently executed load tests.

If you use the dynamic workload model, which requires you to stop tests manually, the infrastructure rental fee estimate will be equal to the required Micro Focus Credits per started hour.

Debiting Micro Focus Credits

When a test is complete, Silk Performer calculates the amount of Micro Focus Credits that is to be debited from your account. This calculation takes into account the actual simulation time, which is used to calculate the active infrastructure rental fee, and the testing period boundary for virtual user license fees.

A detailed balance sheet is available from the Silk Performer Load Test Summary page, which is displayed following each test.