Defining an SNMP Data Source

To define a new data source, do not edit the REALTIME.INI file. If you do, you will lose your changes when you next upgrade Silk Performer. To avoid this, create a new file in the sub-folder <installation path>\Silk\Silk Performer 15.0\Include\DataSrcWzd, for example myESNMP_realtime.ini. This file must contain the S= and the M= lines of your data source definition.

By searching for “WebLogic” and “ESNMP” in the REALTIME.INI file, you will find the following entries:
S= Application Server\BEA WebLogic preconfigured\SNMP, ESNMP:BEA-WEBLOGIC-MIB,
M= ESNMP:, BEA WebLogic\JVM Runtime\HeapFreeCurrent, eAvgOnlyCounter, 0, kbytes, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Current Heap Free, measureMatchName=Runtime Object Name;measureMatchOID=;
M= ESNMP:, BEA WebLogic\JVM Runtime\HeapSizeCurrent, eAvgOnlyCounter, 0, kbytes, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Current Heap Size, measureMatchName=Runtime Object Name;measureMatchOID=;
M= ESNMP:, BEA WebLogic\Queue Runtime\ExecuteThreadCurrentIdleCount, eAvgOnlyCounter, 0, , 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Thread Idle Count, measureMatchName=Queue Runtime Object Name;measureMatchOID=;
M= ESNMP:, BEA WebLogic\Queue Runtime\PendingRequestCurrentCount, eAvgOnlyCounter, 0, , 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Current Requests, measureMatchName=Queue Runtime Object Name;measureMatchOID=;
M= ESNMP:, BEA WebLogic\Queue Runtime\ServicedRequestTotalCount, eAvgOnlyCounter, 0, , 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Total Requests, measureMatchName=Queue Runtime Object Name;measureMatchOID=;
M= ESNMP:, BEA WebLogic\WebApp Component Runtime\OpenSessionsCurrentCount, eAvgOnlyCounter, 0, , 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Open sessions, measureMatchName=Runtime Object Name;measureMatchOID=;
M= ESNMP:, BEA WebLogic\WebApp Component Runtime\OpenSessionsHighCount, eAvgOnlyCounter, 0, , 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Session High Count, measureMatchName=Runtime Object Name;measureMatchOID=;
M= ESNMP:, BEA WebLogic\Execute Queue\ThreadCount, eAvgOnlyCounter, 0, , 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Thread Count, measureMatchName=Queue Object Name;measureMatchOID=;

The first line, which begins with S=, is the data source definition header. You only need one definition header per data source. So if you want to enhance the existing WebLogic ESNMP data source, you can leave the data source definition header as is.

Subsequent lines are for the individual measures:

Note: The final measure name consists of the measure name given here (BEA WebLogic\JDBC Connection Pool\Active Connections) and the instance name in parenthesis.
So the key for the measure should appear as follows:
M= ESNMP:, BEA WebLogic\JDBC Connection Pool\Active Connections, eAvgOnlyCounter, 0, , 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Current count of active connection in the JDBC connection pool runtime, measureMatchName=JDBC Connection Pool Runtime Object Name;measureMatchOID=;