Input Data Customizable Functions

TrueLog Explorer offers a wizard that enables you to customize the input values of controls that have been changed by the user during recording. Input values can be customized at the same position where input originally occurred during recording. Here is a list of the functions that can be customized:

Function Description
OraFormsEditSet Customizes the value of a text control.
OraFormsRadioSet Specifies whether a radio button is to be selected.
OraFormsCheckboxSet Specifies whether a check box is to be selected.
OraFormsListSelect Specifies which element of a list box is to be selected.
OraFormsPopListSelect Specifies which element of a pop-up list box is to be selected.
OraFormsLogon Customizes logon credentials on the Logon dialog.
OraFormsLovFind Customizes the search pattern on a List Of Values dialog.
OraFormsLovSelect Customizes the selection on a List Of Values dialog.
OraFormsEditorDialogOK Customizes a text control value in an editor dialog.