Connecting Through Multiple Firewalls

You can configure a Silk Performer agent connection so that it uses a SOCKS proxy and an HTTP proxy in a series. In such instances, an agent first connects to a SOCKS proxy, which in turn connects to an HTTP proxy.

Select both the Use HTTP Proxy Server and Use SOCKS Proxy Server settings on the agent Properties dialog.

Agent Connection Establishment Through Multiple Proxies

  1. Controller opens initial connection to Silk Launcher Service through a SOCKS proxy then an HTTP proxy.
  2. Service launches the Silk Performer agent process (perfLtcAgent.exe).
  3. Service returns agent's listener port (19202) to the controller.
  4. Controller connects to the agent on port 19202 through both proxies.
  5. Optional: For collecting real-time measure data, the controller connects to the agent on port 19203 through both proxies.