Synchronization Problems in Citrix Scripts

Windows may fail to be activated and screen synchronizations may fail when the Citrix player encounters different values during replay than were captured during recording. Sometimes the causes of synchronization problems are not apparent, they may be due to a change in screen position of only a single pixel. Such differences are best assessed visually using a bitmap viewing program.

More common than screen synchronization failures are windows not being activated during replay. In such cases, the screenshots associated with the corresponding user actions may explain the fault. Sometimes there is no user fault and a window is activated only sporadically. In such cases, you must remove the associated CitrixWaitForWindow function.

TrueLog Explorer captures screenshots when errors occur (the default setting) and writes these bitmaps to disk. Visual comparison of record and replay screens can be achieved by comparing TrueLog On Error bitmaps with the bitmaps that are captured by Silk Performer along with each synchronization function (the default setting). By default the recorder writes screenshots to the screenshots directory in the project directory. Replay stores screenshots in the current result directory.

Note: The Silk Performer Dump window region of unsuccessful screen synchronizations Citrix option must be activated (the default) to have these bitmaps captured and saved.