Response Time Thresholds

With the accepted results from the previous baseline tests, thresholds for response times can be set for subsequent load tests. These thresholds are used in the general overview report of a load test to separate good, acceptable, and unacceptable Web response times.

Set boundaries to identify the following types of response times:

Set thresholds for the following objects:
  • Transaction response times
  • Custom timers
  • HTML page timers

Specify a multiplier for the calculation of the boundaries from the baseline results. The average response times of the timers are multiplied by these factors, and the boundaries are set accordingly. For example, a multiplier of 3 means that you set a boundary three times higher than the average response time of the timer in the baseline test.

If the measured value in the baseline test is 0, you can specify a minimum value for the boundaries. The load testing scripts connected with the user types is updated to set the thresholds accordingly.