User-Input Data

The visual user-input data customization feature allows you to make your test scripts more realistic by replacing recorded user-input data with parameterized data.

Without user-input data customization, all simulated transactions are identical and do not account for the variables that are typically experienced in real world environments.

For example, you can customize the user-input data that is entered into forms during testing using the Parameter Wizard. The Parameter Wizard lets you specify the values that are to be entered into form fields during testing. This enables test scripts to be more realistic by replacing recorded user-input data with randomized, parameterized user data.

User data customization can be used to:
  • Perform functional tests by challenging servers with different values each time certain transactions are executed.
  • Simulate realistic user behavior by selecting submitted values based on given probability distributions.

TrueLog Explorer Workflow

User data customization is best performed:
  • After session information has been parsed from test scripts
  • Before server responses have been verified