In Body / Out Body Pages

The data that is communicated between Silk Performer and an Oracle Forms server can be tracked on the In Body and Out Body pages. During Oracle Forms replay, the In Body page displays the data that is received by Silk Performer from the Oracle Forms server. The Out Body page displays the data that is sent by Silk Performer to the Oracle Forms server.

Note: These messages are only available when you set the logging options in the Profile Settings dialog to Debug.

Messages can be ignored during data customization (except when customizing GET messages). However if a problem arises and Customer Care is contacted, this information will be required for analysis. You may notice major differences between record and replay TrueLogs. All messages are likely to be included, but they may not be logged at the corresponding nodes; they may be logged one node earlier or later.

Each message block (OraForms call) that is communicated between Silk Performer and the Oracle Forms server is comprised of one or more of the following messages types:

Item Description

Indicates that a new UI element must be created. Each UI object to be created is given a class, properties, and an ID.

Example: The server tells the client to create a text box of a given type, with a given name, and a given ID, at a given location.


Indicates that a UI element must be destroyed.

Example: When a window is closed, all of the controls on the window must be destroyed.


Indicates what an element within the applet should look like (for example, position, focus, and selection status).

Example: The client tells the server where the mouse cursor should be positioned. The server then responds by changing the mouse cursor position within the applet’s interface.


Indicates internal communication between the client and server. Get messages are not visible in the UI.

Example: The server asks the client what the ID of a certain control is. Get messages are typically terminated with Terminal 3 messages.

Indicates the end of a communication round trip. Each message block is terminated with a terminal message. Three terminal types are available:
  • Terminal 1
  • Terminal 2
  • Terminal 3

The most common message block type involves the client sending an update message to the server and ending the communication with a Terminal 1 message. The server then typically responds with a create or destroy message that is terminated by a terminal 1 message.

Example In Body/Out Body message block:

With a mouse click function, the client sends an update message to the server with some properties. One of the properties is the mouse cursor location. Another property is that the mouse should be in the pressed-down state. The round trip of the communication is then closed with a Terminal message. The server then responds, indicating that the cursor has been repositioned and set to the pressed-down state.

 CLASS:         0/0
 ID:            2824
 TITLE:         N/A
 RESPONSE:      0
 Value: 2855
 CLASS:         0/0
 ID:            2855
 TITLE:         N/A
 RESPONSE:      0

 CLASS:         0/0
 ID:            1644
 TITLE:         N/A
 RESPONSE:      0
 Name:  VALUE/131
 Value: null

 CLASS:         0/0
 ID:            0
 TITLE:         N/A
 RESPONSE:      3