Loaded Components Pane

The Loaded Components pane, on the Design tab, distinguishes between classes and objects and displays these components within different tree menus.

On the Classes tab you see all loaded classes with their members (methods, fields, and properties) that can be accessed without the need of an object context. Normally these are static members and constructors.

When you instantiate a class, the created object is shown on the Objects tab with all instance members (methods, fields, and properties).

The two exceptions are Web services and interfaces. As an object instance is not required for Web Services (which are objects that expose static methods), all methods offered by Web services are shown on the Classes tab.

Interfaces are displayed in the Remotable Interfaces menu node. .NET Remoting allows for WellKnown remotable objects, which implement interfaces. Therefore it is not necessary to instantiate objects that work with WellKnowns (only one instance exists on the server). This is why .NET Explorer treats remotable interfaces like Web services. All members of interfaces are shown on the Classes tab. When you first attempt to invoke a method you must supply the endpoint of the remotable interface (as you must provide endpoints for Web services).