API Functions That Require Additional Encoding

Regardless of the character encoding that a Web site uses, Silk Performer can only visualize multi-byte character set (MBCS) strings. However, several API functions require the encoding of some string parameters in the encoding that the server expects. Silk Performer's Web Recorder scripts SetEncoding(), ToEncoding(), and FromEncoding() functions at appropriate locations so that replay engines can know the required encoding. Typically, parameters that require an appropriate encoding, such as link names, if they refer to data that needs interpreting. Parameters that are not a part of client-server communication, such as timer names, do not require conversion.

The SetEncoding() function sets an encoding for all subsequent ToEncoding() and FromEncoding() functions. The encoding itself is passed as the name of the encoding as it appears in the charset specification of the Web page, such as UTF-8, SHIFT_JIS, WINDOWS-1252, WINDOWS-1255, or EUC-JP.

ToEncoding() converts the string that is passed as a parameter, which is encoded in the system codepage (MBCS), to the encoding specified by the last SetEncoding() function.

FromEncoding() converts the string that is passed as a parameter, which is encoded in the encoding specified by the last SetEncoding() call, to the system codepage (MBCS).