Workload Tab

The Workload Configuration > Workload tab enables you to configure workload-profile settings related to workload model, start time, and monitoring options.

Item Description
Increasing Use this option button to switch to the Increasing workload model.
Steady State Use this option button to switch to the Steady State workload model.
Dynamic Use this option button to switch to the Dynamic workload model.
All Day Use this option button to switch to the All Day workload model. This selection enables the Configure All Day Workload button below.
Queuing Use this option button to switch to the Queuing workload model.
vUsers-over-time graph The graph at the top of the dialog box graphically represents the selected workload model and uses the data associated with the user group selected in the UserType table.
UserType table This portion of the dialog enables you to edit the settings of the user types that are associated with your project. Options vary based on the selected workload mode. (see specific workload-model configuration topics for details on configuring user types.)
Start time Set the start time for your test in hours, minutes, and seconds.
Relative Click this option button to start your test after the specified time period has elapsed.
Absolute Click this option button to start the test at the specified time.
Automatically start monitoring Check this check box if you have established a monitoring template and want Performance Explorer to start and stop automatically with the test.
TrueLog On Error Check this check box to generate TrueLog Explorer files for all transactions that generate errors.
Enable real-time measures

When checked, real-time measure data is generated globally for all virtual users across the entire test. This setting overrides preset profile settings.

When unchecked, real-time measure data is disabled for all virtual users globally across the test. This setting overrides preset profile settings.

When checked and grayed out, real-time measure data is generated only for those user types who have this setting activated in their corresponding profiles. In this state a tooltip displays information about the user types for which real-time measures have been enabled.

Note: This check box automatically changes its state when the real-time measure data profile setting option of any virtual user changes.

Loadtest description (Optional) Here you can enter a description of the test for project-management purposes.
Configure All Day Workload (enabled only when the All Day workload model is selected) Opens the All Day Workload Configuration dialog.