Handling Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)

A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a compact representation of the location and access method for a resource located on the Internet. Each URL consists of a scheme (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP or Gopher) and a scheme-specific string. This string can also include a combination of a directory path, a search string and/or the name of a resource.

Canonicalized URLs

The format of all URLs must follow prescribed syntax and semantics in order to enable access to resources via the Web. Canonicalization is the process of formatting a URL to follow this prescribed syntax and semantics. Characters that must be encoded include any characters that have no corresponding graphic character in the US-ASCII coded character set (hexadecimal 80-FF, which are not used in the US-ASCII coded character set, and hexadecimal 00-1F and 7F, which are control characters), blank spaces, "%" (which is used to encode other characters), and unsafe characters (<, >, ", #, {, }, |, \, ^, ~, [, ], and ').

Printable ASCII characters being URL-encoded by Silk Performer % ? # [ ] { } | \ & = @ : ^ ~ ' ` " $ + ! * ' ( ) , < >

Note: All characters after the query string delimiter '?' will not be encoded by Silk Performer's low-level web functions.

For encoding URLs, Silk Performer provides the WebBase64Encode function