Executing a Try Script Run

  1. Select Run > Try Script from the Silk Performer menu.
    注: If you are accessing a Web Service on the Internet, ensure that you have configured proxy settings for the active profile.
  2. If you have multiple virtual user classes, select the virtual user that you want to execute from the Select Virtual User dialog box.
    注: If there are multiple test classes, you must select the test class that you want to execute.
  3. Click Run to begin the test.
    注: If the Automatic Start when running a Try Script option has been selected in Silk Performer options, TrueLog Explorer will launch showing the TrueLog that was generated by the test.
    Virtual user return-value output can be viewed in the Virtual User output tool window within Microsoft Visual Studio via the Bdl.Print method. The output window can be docked to other windows. Test controller output is displayed in a separate pane of the output tool window.
    注: WebDotNetRequest entries are Web Service calls that are routed over the Silk Performer Web engine.
    TrueLog Explorer launches automatically during Try Script runs. Each Web Service call has a node in the displayed TrueLog. The nodes in the main transaction represent the SOAP HTTP traffic that was responsible for the Web Service calls. By default, all HTTP traffic is redirected over the Silk Performer Web engine, enabling TrueLog output. You can turn off redirection or enable it for specific Web Service client proxy classes via the Silk Performer Web Settings dialog box.
  4. Using the TrueLog Explorer XML control, explore the SOAP envelope that was returned by each Web Service call.
Once the test is complete you can explore other result files (log, output, report, and error) by selecting them from the Silk Performer Results menu.