Defining Client Certificates for a Web Service

For Web services that require client certificates for authentication, client certificates must be defined in Web service properties.
  1. Select a Web service class in the Loaded Components menu tree. A property called ClientCertificates is displayed in the Input Data Properties field.
  2. Select the ClientCertificates parameter and click browse (...). The Client Certificate dialog box opens, where certificates can be added or removed.
  3. Click browse (...) next to the File text box to locate and select a certificate (.cer) file. The selected client certificate is listed in the File text box.
  4. Add a certificate file to the list of certificates by clicking the + button. Multiple certificates can be defined. Certificates can be removed by clicking the - button.
  5. Click OK.
Once client certificates have been added, the ClientCertificates property description is updated with the number of assigned certificates.

Generated Code

The following code is generated for the test framework and standalone code:
mWebProxy1 = new TestWebProxies.Service1();
When exporting to a native BDL script, the following comment appears:
// You have to add the following certificate(s) to your profile!
// C:\TestX509.cer