Code Tab

Displays generated code files for the current test scenario. The following code types are available:

Test Driver Test Code

This tab displays the Java code generated for the test driver. This code can be compiled to a standalone console application. The main method for the application contains the calls to the test cases that are defined in your current test scenario. The test case methods contain all the calls that you have defined in your scenario for the respective test case.

When you export a standalone console application through the Export menu and then run the application, you see output information regarding successful/failed methods in the console window.

Silk Performer Java Framework Test Code

When you export a Silk Performer Java Framework project, the following files are generated:
  • Silk Performer project file (.lpt)
  • Silk Performer script file (.bdf)
  • Java test script (.java)

This tab displays the Java test script code for Silk Performer Java Framework. Java framework code run by Silk Performer enables you to execute Java scripts through BDL. For each test case in your current test scenario, Java Explorer generates a separate BDL transaction in the test script.

BDL Script

This tab displays the BDL script code for Silk Performer Java Framework. The generated BDL executes the Java test script with the settings stored in the Silk Performer project file.

JUnit Code

This tab displays the JUnit test script code. this code can be executed with any JUnit TestRunner. For more information about JUnit testing, refer to the Silk Performer Help.

Client Proxy

This tab displays generated Web Service Client proxy code. When you load a WSDL file to access a Web service, a Client proxy class is created. Proxy classes are created on method and type information in WSDL files. When Web-service methods return complex types, additional classes are declared. These additional classes are used to represent complex types in the method calls that take complex parameters.