Java Method Calls

The main transactions allow you to define most of the actions that a virtual user is to perform during a test. These actions are defined in any member method of the Java test class, which is defined in the respective Java script. To call a test method called doFoo for example, the main transaction in the test script would contain the following function call:

JavaCallMethod(hTestObj, "testFoo") calls the testFoo method of the Java test class that is defined in the respective Java source file, for example

Here is an example TMyJavaTrans transaction:

  transaction TMyJavaTrans
    JavaCallMethod(hTestObj, "doFoo");
  end TMyJavaTrans;
注: To create a custom timer measure for a Java or JUnit method call, specify the timer name as the third optional parameter of the respective JavaCallMethod or JUnitCallMethod command.