Silk Performer Workbench

Remote component tests that are developed and executed using Java Explorer or .NET Explorer can be executed within Silk Performer Workbench. Silk Performer is an integrated test environment that serves as a central console for creating, executing, controlling and analyzing complex testing scenarios. Java Explorer and .NET Explorer visual test scripts can be exported to Silk Performer by creating Silk Performer Java Framework and .NET Framework projects. While Java Explorer and .NET Explorer serve as test-beds for functional test scenarios, Silk Performer can be used to run the same test scripts in more complex scenarios for concurrency and load testing.

In the same way that Silk Performer is integrated with Java Explorer and .NET Explorer, Silk Performer is also integrated with Silk Performer's Visual Studio .NET Add-On. Test clients created in Microsoft Visual Studio using Silk Performer's Visual Studio .NET Add-On functionality can easily be exported to Silk Performer for concurrency and load testing.

注: Because there is such a variety of Java development tools available, a Java tool plug-in is not feasible. Instead, Silk Performer offers features that assist Java developers, such as syntax highlighting for Java and the ability to run the Java complier from Silk Performer Workbench.

In addition to the integration of Silk Performer with .NET Explorer, Java Explorer, and Microsoft Visual Studio, you can use Silk Performer to write custom Java and .NET based test clients using Silk Performer's powerful Java and .NET Framework integrations.

The tight integration of Java and .NET as scripting environments for Silk Performer test clients allows you to reuse existing unit tests developed with JUnit and NUnit by embedding them into Silk Performer's framework architecture. To begin, launch Silk Performer and create a new Java or .NET Framework-based project.

In addition to creating test clients visually and manually, Silk Performer also allows you to create test clients by recording the interactions of existing clients, or by importing JUnit test frameworks or existing Java/.NET classes. A recorded test client precisely mimics the interactions of a real client.

注: The recording of test clients is only supported for Web Services clients.

To create a Web Service test client based on the recording of an existing Web Service client, launch Silk Performer and create a new project of application type Web Services/XML/SOAP.