Low-Level Web Function Replay Timing

When low-level web traffic is recorded using the recorder, a wait time is included at the end of recorded functions to tell the replay engine how long to wait before executing the next function in the script. The use of wait times simulates slow connections and user wait times in order to help provide more realistic tests.

The wait time appended to a recorded function is the time elapsed between the execution of the current function and the execution of the next function. The implication of this behaviour is that low-level web functions with the wait parameter set to zero are executed in parallel up to the configured maximum number of concurrent threads (WebSetMaxThreads). A low-level web function with the wait parameter set to >0 makes the virtual user pause for the specified wait time. When the specified time has elapsed, the virtual user continues executing the script.

注: The wait time is always zero in Stress Test mode, regardless of the values specified in the low-level web functions.