Testing the RMI Sample

To test the Silk Performer RMI sample:
  1. Launch the Product Manager RMI sample.
  2. Navigate to the <public user documents>\Silk Performer 20.0\SampleApps\RMILdap directory.
  3. Invoke the four batch files step1 through step4.
  4. In the Classes pane, right-click Remote Objects and choose New EJB. The EJB Wizard opens. The RMI objects are registered at a JNDI naming service.
  5. Type com.sun.jndi.cosnaming.CNCtxFactory into the Factory text box.
  6. Type iiop://localhost:1900 into the Provider Url text box.
  7. Click Edit Classpath ... and select <public user documents>\Silk Performer 20.0\SampleApps\RMILdap\RMILdap\ProductManager-server\ProductManager-server.jar.
  8. Back on the EJB Wizard, click Next to connect to the naming service. The Look up and narrow a Home Interface or Remote Object dialog box opens.
  9. Select the ProductManagerServicesLdap remote object. The RmiExtension helper class performs all necessary bootstrapping.
  10. Click the RmiExtension helper class in the Classes pane of the Loaded Components page.
  11. Click the createObject method of the class in the Input Data pane. The method includes a class to provide the parameters for the RMI connection settings.
  12. View the result of the createObject method in the Objects pane. The result is a stub class instance, which is used to communicate with the remote object on the server.
  13. Open the getProductsByName method in the Loaded Components page. The method requires a string as parameter. You can use * as a wildcard to get all products.