Overview of Silk4NET Support of Unicode Content

The Open Agent is Unicode-enabled, which means that the Open Agent is able to recognize double-byte (wide) languages.

With Silk4NET you can test applications that contain content in double-byte languages such as Chinese, Korean, or Japanese (Kanji) characters, or any combination of these.

The Open Agent supports the following:

For information about new features, supported platforms, and tested versions, refer to the Release Notes.

Before testing double-byte characters with Silk4NET

Testing an internationalized application, particularly one that contains double-byte characters, is more complicated than testing an application that contains strictly English single-byte characters. Testing an internationalized application requires that you understand a variety of issues, from operating system support, to language packs, to fonts, to working with IMEs and complex languages.

Before you begin testing your application using Silk4NET, you must do the following:

  • Meet the needs of your application under test (AUT) for any necessary localized OS, regional settings, and required language packs.
  • Install the fonts necessary to display your AUT.
  • If you are testing an application that requires an IME for data input, install the appropriate IME.