Accessing Files Within Your Project

Working with Silk Test Classic projects makes it easy to access your files - once you have added a file to your project, you can open it by double-clicking it in the Project Explorer. The Project Explorer contains the following two tabs:
Lists all of the files included in the project. From the Files tab, you can view, edit, add, and remove files from the project, as well as right-click to access menu options for each of the file types. From the Files tab, you can also add, rename, remove and work with folders within each category.
Displays all the resources that are defined at a global level within the project's files. For example test cases, functions, classes, window declarations, and others. When you double-click an object on the Global tab, the file in which the object is defined opens and your cursor displays at the beginning of the line in which the object is defined. You can run and debug test cases and application states from the Global tab. You can also sort the elements that display within the folders on the Global tab.

Existing test sets do not display in the Project Explorer by default; you must convert them into projects.