Describing the State of a Manual Test

  1. Open a test plan containing manual tests.
  2. Click Testplan > Run Manual Tests.
  3. Select a manual test from the Update Manual Tests dialog box and document it. The Update Manual Tests dialog box lists all manual tests in the current test plan.
    Mark the test complete

    Click the Complete option button.

    Complete means that a test has been defined. A manual test marked here as Complete will be tabulated as complete in Completion reports.

    Indicate whether the test passed or failed
    1. Click the Has been run option button.
    2. Select Passed or Failed.
    3. Specify when the test was run and optionally, specify the machine.

    To specify when the test was run, use the following syntax:


    Hours, minutes, and seconds are optional. For example, enter 2006-01-10 to indicate that the test was run Jan 10, 2006.

    A test marked Has been run is also considered complete in Completion reports.

    Add any comments you want about the test
    Fill in the Comments text box.