Options Menu

The Options menu contains the following commands:

Command (Shortcut)
Opens the General Options dialog box, which you can use to set the general system behavior, for example editor options and workspace preferences. For additional information, see Setting General Options.
Editor Font
Opens the Editor Font dialog box, which allows you to select a screen font in the family, size, and style of your choice. For additional information, see Setting the Editor Font.
Editor Colors
Opens the Editor Colors dialog box, which you can use to set the screen colors for various elements of 4Test code, results information, and the test plan, if available. For additional information, see Setting the Editor Colors.
Opens the Runtime Options dialog box, which allows you to specify settings that the application uses when it runs a script. For additional information, see Runtime Options Dialog Box.
Opens the Agent Options dialog box, which allows you to set global options for how the agent software interacts with the application under test. For additional information, see Agent Options Dialog Box.

This functionality is supported only if you are using the Classic Agent. For additional information, refer to the Silk Test Classic Classic Agent Help.

Opens the Extensions dialog box, which you can use to enable extensions for applications under test on your host machine.

Application Configurations

This functionality is supported only if you are using the Open Agent.

Opens the Edit Application Configurations dialog box, which allows you to add, remove, and modify the application configurations. For additional information, see Modifying an Application Configuration.

Opens the Recorder Options dialog box, which allows you to specify settings that are used when recording.
Manage Custom Controls

This functionality is supported only if you are using the Open Agent.

Opens the Manage Custom Controls dialog box, where you can set options for controls that are not defined according to a standard that is known to Silk Test Classic. For additional information, see Managing Custom Controls.

Edit Remote Locations

This functionality is supported only if you are using the Open Agent.

Opens the Remote Locations dialog box and enables you to configure remote locations. Any browsers and mobile devices on the remote location are added to the set of applications that you can test. For additional information, see Editing Remote Locations.

Class Map

This functionality is supported only if you are using the Classic Agent. For additional information, refer to the Silk Test Classic Classic Agent Help.

Opens the Class Map dialog box, which you can use to map custom classes to standard supported classes and to enable the user to suppress controls for certain classes.

Property Sets

This functionality is supported only if you are using the Classic Agent. For additional information, refer to the Silk Test Classic Classic Agent Help.

Opens the Property Sets dialog box, which allows you to create, modify, combine, and delete property sets, which are used to verify properties in test cases.

Class Attributes

This functionality is supported only if you are using the Classic Agent. For additional information, refer to the Silk Test Classic Classic Agent Help.

Opens the Edit Class Attributes dialog box, which allows you to select which attributes you want to record for selected classes.

Opens the TrueLog Options dialog box, which allows you to enable the TrueLog Explorer and to customize the information that TrueLog Explorer collects. For additional information, see Setting TrueLog Options.
Silk Central Configuration

Opens the Silk Central Connection dialog box, which you can use to specify the Silk Central instance that is used for keyword-driven testing. For additional information, see Integrating with Silk Central.

Open Options Set
Opens the Open Options Set dialog box, where you can load the set of custom agent, runtime, and class map options and Library Browser help files that you want to use for the current suite, script, or test plan.
Save New Options Set
Opens the Save Options Set As dialog box, which you can use to save the current set of agent, runtime, and class map options and Library Browser help files.
Close Options Set
Deactivates the current options set. This command is available only when a set of custom agent, runtime, and class map options is in effect. The file name is no longer displayed in the title bar. The default options are now in effect.