Limitations for Testing with Microsoft Edge

The following are the known limitations for testing with Microsoft Edge:
  • The following classes, interfaces, methods, and properties are currently not supported when testing web applications on Microsoft Edge:
    • BrowserApplication class.
      • clearCache method
      • closeOtherTabs method
      • closeTab method
      • existsTab method
      • getHorizontalScrollbar method
      • getNextCloseWindow method
      • getSelectedTab method
      • getSelectedTabIndex method
      • getSelectedTabName method
      • getTabCount method
      • getVerticalScrollbar method
      • isActive method
      • minimize method
      • openContextMenu method
      • openTab method
      • restore method
      • selectTab method
      • setActive method
      • windowState method
    • The following methods of the BrowserWindow class are not supported for Microsoft Edge versions prior to build 38.14393, the Microsoft Edge version for Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update.
      • pressKeys method
      • releaseKeys method
  • Silk4J does not automatically bring the browser into the foreground when recording actions against Microsoft Edge.
  • When testing with Microsoft Edge, the rectangle for the BrowserApplication is not absolute.
  • Silk4J does not support testing Apache Flex.
  • Silk4J does not provide native support for Microsoft Edge. You cannot test internal Microsoft Edge functionality. For example, in a test, you cannot change the currently displayed web page by adding text to the navigation bar. As a workaround, you can use API calls to navigate between web pages.
  • Silk4J does not support handling alerts and similar dialog boxes for Microsoft Edge.
  • Image clicks are only supported for Microsoft Edge Threshold 2 (build 25.10586) or later. If you are testing a web application on a prior version of Microsoft Edge, you can only use image verifications.
  • Silk4J does not support tabbing on Microsoft Edge. Tabs are recognized as windows.
  • When testing web applications on Microsoft Edge, Silk4J cannot locate meta-tags which include the http-equiv attribute. For example, Silk4J cannot locate the following meta-tag:
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
  • With Microsoft Edge, Silk4J does not support directly reading the currentStyle attribute of a DOM element. You can use the getCssStyle method of the DomElement class to retrieve the computed CSS style with the specified style name.
  • When starting the interaction with a web application on Microsoft Edge, Silk4J closes any open instance of Microsoft Edge and starts a new browser. This new browser uses a temporary profile without add-ons and with an empty cache. This instance of Microsoft Edge is closed when shutting down the Open Agent or when starting to test another application outside Microsoft Edge.
  • With Microsoft Edge, Silk4J does not recognize the textContents attribute while recording actions or locators. However, you can use the textContents attribute in object maps and when replaying a test on Microsoft Edge.
  • Silk4J does not support properties in XPath expressions for Microsoft Edge. Only attributes are supported in XPath expressions.
  • Silk4J does not support the getFocus method of the IMoveable class.
  • Silk4J does not support testing web applications which include a Content-Security-Policy HTTP header.