Window Menu

The Window menu contains the following commands.

Command (Shortcut)
Tile Vertically
Makes each child window of the main window the same size and positions them in an east to west orientation along the x axis. Each window is as tall as the main window frame and is as wide as the width of the frame divided by the total number of child windows.
Tile Horizontally
Makes each child window of the main window the same size and positions them in a north to south orientation along the y axis. Each window is as wide as the main window frame and is as tall as the height of the display divided by the total number of child windows.
Layers one child window on top of the other. Except for the top window, which is completely visible, only the title bar of each window shows.
Arrange Icons
Organizes the icons in a row in the main window.
Close All
Closes all open windows. If any file has changed since you last saved it, you are prompted to save the file before closing it.
Next (F6)
Makes the next window in the numbered window history the active window. Repeat this command to cycle through the window history.
Previous (Shift+F6)
Makes the previous window in the window history the active window. Repeat this command to cycle through the window history.