DATAGRIDCOL identifies a column in a grid and is defined as follows:
To identify the column with the cell value of "Last_Name", type the following:
DATAGRIDCELL CurCell = {{1,1,2}, "Last_Name"}
In this example, {1,1,2} is the value for DATAGRIDROW. The DATAGRIDROW value can have several integer values depending on the hierarchy of the data grid. In this example, the DATAGRIDROW navigates to the first row in the data grid followed by the first row in the subgrid and then goes to the second row in this subgrid.
"Last_Name" is the value for DATAGRIDCOL. In the preceding example, the DATAGRIDCOL value is the column with the string header "Last_Name". Alternatively, you can use an integer instead of a string for the column value. In the following example, 3 is the column cell value and {1,1,2} is the row location:
DATAGRIDCELL CurCell = {{1,1,2}, 3}