Adding Existing Files to a Project

You can add existing files to a project or create new files to add to the project. We recommend adding all referenced files to your project so that you can easily see and access the files, and the objects contained within them. Referenced files do not have to be included in the project. Plans and scripts will continue to run, provided the paths that are referenced are accurate.

When you add a file to a project, project files (.vtp files) use relative paths for files on the same root drive and absolute paths for files with different root drives. The use of relative and absolute files is not configurable and cannot be overridden.

To add an existing file to a project:

  1. If your project is not already open, click File > Open Project or click Open Project > Open Project on the basic workflow bar, select the project to which you want to add a file, and then click Open.
  2. On the Project Explorer, select the Files tab, right-click the node associated with the type of file you want to add, and then click Add File. For example, to add a script file to the project, right-click Script, and then click Add File.
  3. On the Add File to Project dialog box, specify the file you want to add to the open project, and then click Open. The file name, followed by the path, displays under the appropriate category on the Files tab sorted alphabetically by name and is associated with the project through the projectname.vtp file. If files exist on a network drive, they are referenced using Universal Naming Conventions (UNC).

You can also add existing files to the project by clicking Project > Add File. Silk Test Classic automatically places the file in the appropriate node, based on the file type; for example if you add a file with a .pln extension, it will display under the Plan node on the Files tab. We do not recommend adding application .ini files or Silk Test Classic .ini files, which are qaplans.ini, propset.ini, and the extension.ini files, to your project. If you add object files, which are .to and .ino files, to your project, the files will display under the Data node on the Files tab. Objects defined in object files will not display in the Global tab. You cannot modify object files within the Silk Test Classic editor because object files are binary. To modify an object file, open the source file, which is a .t or .inc file, edit it, and then recompile.