VerifyProperties Method


AnyWin class.


Verifies that the properties of the specified window and its child windows are as expected.


window.VerifyProperties(WinPropTree,[FuzzyVerifyWhich][, nTimeout])
Variable Description
WinPropTree The 4Test record that lists the expected values for window and window’s children. WINPROPTREE.
FuzzyVerifyWhich Optional: Used with fuzzy verification. Default is FALSE. FUZZYVERIFY.
nTimeout Optional: The number of seconds to wait for the expected value of the specified property or properties to be achieved. NUMBER.


A WINPROPTREE is a hierarchical data structure with the top level consisting of a window and its properties, plus a WINPROPTREE for each child of that window. See WINPROPTREE Data Type and PROPINFO Data Type for details. If you only want to verify a few properties, you can code the WinPropTree argument by hand. However, it is normally easier to let Silk Test Classic do the work. Record the action that you will be testing, then select a property set and initiate a verification operation; Silk Test Classic builds WinPropTree and codes the call to VerifyProperties.

Each time VerifyProperties is called, Silk Test Classic traverses the entire property tree, the WinPropTree argument to the function, and converts all the expected values using the defined date transformation rules. The transformed dates are used as the true expected values in the verifications.

If a timeout is specified with the nTimeout parameter, Silk Test Classic checks for the expected values until the timeout is reached. If the values are not found, a final verification is performed. If a timeout is not specified, only the final verification is performed. The time between checks is the value of the window retry interval Agent option, OPT_WINDOW_RETRY. If the verification fails, an exception is thrown.

