Behavior of an Application State Based on NONE

If an application state is based on the keyword NONE, Silk Test Classic executes the application state twice: when the test case with which it is associated is entered and when the test case is exited.

On the other hand, if an application state is based on DefaultBaseState, Silk Test Classic executes the application state only when the associated test case is entered.

The following example code defines the application state InvokeFind as based on the NONE keyword and associates that application state with the test case TestFind.

Appstate InvokeFind () basedon none
 xFind.Invoke ()
 print ("hello")

testcase TestFind () appstate InvokeFind
 print ("In TestFind")
 xFind.Exit.Click ()

When you run the test case in Silk Test Classic, in addition to opening the Find dialog box, closing it, and reopening it, the test case also prints:

In TestFind

The test case prints hello twice because Silk Test Classic executes the application state both as the test case is entered and as it is exited.