Asset Import and Export Permissions

Asset import functionality can be limited or disabled depending on the permissions assigned to a user. Permissions can be assigned uniquely for each project. For example, a user with read-only permission for ProjectA can be assigned full access permission to ProjectB. As a result, import functionality for this user is disabled for ProjectA but enabled for ProjectB.

Asset export functionality is generally not restricted. Any user with read-only access or better can export both project and system assets.

The following table shows the capability of each user role to import project assets and system assets, which are defined as:
  • Project Assets – For detailed information, see Asset Types.
  • System Assets – Record and playback options.

Asset Import Permissions

Only an administrator or a user with full access can import all project and system assets. For a complete listing of import permissions, refer to the following table:
User Role Import Project Assets? Import System Assets?
No Access No Yes
Read Only No Yes
Executor Yes ¹ Yes
Script Writer Yes Yes
Full Access Yes Yes

¹ – Only the import of results is permitted.

Asset Export Permissions

User roles with read-only access or better can export all project and system assets.