Setting TrueLog Options

You can enable TrueLog reports and HTML reports to capture bitmaps and to log information for test runs with Silk Test Classic.

Logging bitmaps and controls might adversely affect the performance of Silk Test Classic. Because capturing bitmaps and logging information can result in large TrueLog files, you may want to log test cases with errors only and then adjust the TrueLog options for test cases where more information is needed.

The results of test runs can be examined in the TrueLog Explorer, in the case of TrueLog reports, or in a browser, in the case of HTML reports. For additional information on the TrueLog Explorer, refer to the Silk TrueLog Explorer Help for Silk Test.

Note: To reduce the size of TrueLog files with Silk Test 17.5 or later, the file format for TrueLog files has changed from .xlg to the compressed .tlz file format. Files with a .xlg suffix are automatically appended with a .tlz suffix. To parse result data from a .tlz file, you can unzip the .tlz file and parse the data from the included .xlg file.

To enable creating result data and to customize the information that Silk Test Classic collects, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Options > TrueLog. The TrueLog Options dialog box opens.
  2. In the Basic Settings area, check the Enable TrueLog check box.
    • Click All testcases to log activity for all test cases, both successful and failed. This is the default setting.
    • Click Testcases with errors to log activity for only those test cases with errors.
  3. Select the result format:
    • Select TrueLog Report (.tlz) to generate visual execution logs that can be viewed in TrueLog Explorer.
    • Select HTML Report to generate an HTML-based report that can be viewed in a browser.
    • Select Both to generate both a TrueLog report and an HTML-based report.
  4. In the TrueLog location field, type the name of and optionally the path to the TrueLog file, or click Browse and select the file. The path is relative to the machine on which the agent is running. The default path is the path of the Silk Test Classic project folder, and the default name is the name of the suite class, with a .tlz suffix. To ensure that TrueLog files are not overwritten, for example when you perform parallel testing, you can add placeholders to the TrueLog file name. These placeholders are replaced with the appropriate data at execution time.
    Note: The path is validated at execution time. Tests that are executed by Silk Central set this value to the Silk Central results directory to enable the screenshots to be shown in the result view.
  5. Select the Screenshot mode. Default is On Error.
  6. Optional: Set the Delay. This delay gives the operating system time to draw the application window before a bitmap is taken. You can try to add a delay if your application is not drawn properly in the captured bitmaps.
  7. Click OK.