
This functionality is supported only if you are using the Open Agent.

A keyword is a defined combination of one or more actions on a test object. The implementation of a keyword can be done with various tools and programming languages, for example Java or .NET. In Silk Test Classic, a keyword is a method with the keyword keyword before the method name. Keywords are saved as keyword assets.

You can define keywords and keyword sequences during the creation of a keyword-driven test and you can then implement them as test methods. You can also mark existing test methods as keywords by adding the keyword keyword before the method name..Keywords are defined as follows:
keyword method_name() alias "keyword_name" keyworddescription "description_text"

You can use the alias in the definition to give a name to the keyword that is different than the method name. The alias and the description are optional.

A keyword sequence is a keyword that is a combination of other keywords. Keyword sequences bundle often encountered combinations of keywords into a single keyword, enabling you to reduce maintenance effort and to keep your tests well-arranged.

A keyword or a keyword sequence can have a combined total of 20 input and output parameters. Any parameter of the test method that implements the keyword is a parameter of the keyword.

Note: You cannot use group keywords in Silk Test Classic.


A test method that is marked as a keyword can look like the following:
keyword Login() alias "Login"
    ... // method implementation
keyword Login(string userName, string password) alias "Login" keyworddescription "Logs in with the given name and password."
    ... // method implementation
where the keyword logs into the application under test with a given user name and password.
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