Key Names

This section contains rules for key names and a list of key names that PressKeys, ReleaseKeys, and TypeKeys accept as arguments.

Rules for Key Names

These rules apply when you specify key names in scripts.

Tip: This is a wide table; you may need to enlarge your help window to see all three columns.
Rule Description Example
Angle brackets in names If a key name is more than one character in length, enclose it in angle brackets. "<Enter>"
If it is only one character long, you can specify it with or without angle brackets. "z"
Case sensitivity Case is significant only in one-character key names.
The following are equivalent:
  • "<Enter>"
  • "<ENTER>"
The following are not equivalent:
  • "A"
  • "a"
Combining keystrokes You can combine any number of keystrokes in a single string. "<Alt-F>S<Enter>"
Groups of keys Include groups of keys that you want pressed simultaneously in the same set of angle brackets, and separate the keys with minus signs (-) or plus signs (+) depending on the Agent that you are using.
Note: The Classic Agent only supports minus signs (-) as a delimiter between key names while the Open Agent supports plus and minus signs.
Partial key names Partial key names are invalid.
Repeated keys Specify repeat counts by following the key name with the integer repeat count.

"<Tab 2>"

"<X 15>"

Using Shift and Option keys

The Shift key is not necessary when you are specifying a single alphabetic character.

On Windows you must specify the full compose sequences for accented characters.

The following are equivalent:
  • "G"
  • "<Shift-G>"

List of Key Names

The following table lists the key names that PressKeys, ReleaseKeys, and TypeKeys accept as arguments.

Platform-specific keys are labeled.

Keystroke Description
#0 Numeric keypad 0 with Num Lock on
#1 Numeric keypad 1 with Num Lock on
#2 Numeric keypad 2 with Num Lock on
#3 Numeric keypad 3 with Num Lock on
#4 Numeric keypad 4 with Num Lock on
#5 Numeric keypad 5 with Num Lock on
#6 Numeric keypad 6 with Num Lock on
#7 Numeric keypad 7 with Num Lock on
#8 Numeric keypad 8 with Num Lock on
#9 Numeric keypad 9 with Num Lock on
#Add Numeric keypad "+"
#Clear Numeric keypad 5 with Num Lock off. Not supported on the X Window System.

For the Open Agent, this key represents the key for the decimal separator on the numeric keypad of most keyboards. When recording, the Open Agent records the actual character that results from pressing that key. For example, if you record using an English keyboard, Silk Test Classic records a TypeKeys("."). For a German keyboard, Silk Test Classic records a TypeKeys(",").

For replaying, use #Decimal. Depending on the currently selected keyboard layout, Windows decides what character to create. For example, on an English keyboard, Silk Test Classic records '.' for TypeKeys("<#Decimal>") and on a German keyboard, Silk Test Classic records ','.

#Delete Numeric keypad "." with Num Lock off. Not supported on the X Window System.
#Divide Numeric keypad ""
#Down Numeric keypad 2 with Num Lock off
#End Numeric keypad 1 with Num Lock off
#Enter Numeric keypad Enter
#Equal Numeric keypad equals sign. Not supported on Windows.
#Home Numeric keypad 7 with Num Lock off
#Insert Numeric keypad 0 with Num Lock off
#Left Numeric keypad 4 with Num Lock off. Not supported on the X Window System.

Numeric keypad "." with Num Lock on. This key represents the key for the decimal separator on the numeric keypad of most keyboard layouts. However, for some non-English languages, such as German, the decimal separator is a comma ',' and therefore the name period is unclear. For example, with the Classic Agent, Silk Test Classic records a <#Period> on an English keyboard and an ',' on a German keyboard.

#Period is deprecated for use with the Open Agent. Using #Decimal rather than #Period is recommended on the Open Agent.

#PgDn Numeric keypad 3 with Num Lock off
#PgUp Numeric keypad 9 with Num Lock off
#Right Numeric keypad 6 with Num Lock off. Not supported on the X Window System.
#Separator Numeric keypad Separator key. Supported on the X Window System only.
#Space Numeric keypad Space key. Supported on the X Window System only.
#Subtract Numeric keypad "-"
#Tab Numeric keypad Tab key. Supported on the X Window System only.
#Times Numeric keypad "*"
#Up Numeric keypad 8 with Num Lock off
Alt Left-side Alt key
Application Opens a context menu on the last active control.
Backspace Backspace key
Break Ctrl-Break. Supported on Windows only.
Cancel Break
CapsLock Caps Lock (toggle whether it is currently on or off)
CapsLockOff Caps Lock Off (typed only if it is currently on). Not supported on the Open Agent.
CapsLockOn Caps Lock On (typed only if it is currently off). Not supported on the Open Agent.
Clear Clear key. Supported on the X Window System only.
Ctrl Left-side Ctrl key
Delete Delete key
Down Down arrow
End End key
Enter Enter key
Esc Esc (Escape)
Execute Execute key. Supported on X Window System only.
F1 F1 function key
F2 F2 function key
F3 F3 function key
F4 F4 function key
F5 F5 function key
F6 F6 function key
F7 F7 function key
F8 F8 function key
F9 F9 function key
F10 F10 function key
F11 F11 function key
F12 F12 function key
F13 F13 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F14 F14 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F15 F15 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F16 F16 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F17 F17 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F18 F18 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F19 F19 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F20 F20 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F21 F21 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F22 F22 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F23 F23 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F24 F24 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F25 F25 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F26 F26 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F27 F27 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F28 F28 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F29 F29 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F30 F30 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F31 F31 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F32 F32 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F33 F33 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F34 F34 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
F35 F35 function key. Supported on the X Window System only.
Find Find key. Supported on the X Window System only.
Greater ">" key (which the agent would otherwise interpret as a right angle bracket)
Help The Help key. Supported on the X Window System only.
Home Home key
Insert Insert key
Left Left arrow
LeftAlt Alt key
LeftCtrl Ctrl key
LeftShift Shift key
LeftWin Windows Start menu key
Less "<" key (which the agent would otherwise interpret as left angle bracket)
Menu Menu key. Supported on the X Window System only.
Minus "-" key. Not supported on the Open Agent. Use #Subtract or '-' with the Open Agent.
Mode Mode key. Supported on the X Window System only.
NumLock Num Lock (typed whether it is currently on or off). Not supported on the Open Agent.
NumLockOff Num Lock Off (typed only if it is currently on). Not supported on the X Window System or the Open Agent.
NumLockOn Num Lock On (typed only if it is currently off). Not supported on the X Window System or the Open Agent.
Pause Pause
PgDn PgDn or Page Down
PgUp PgUp or Page Up
PrtScr Print Scrn
Redo Redo key. Supported on the X Window System only.
Right Right arrow
RightAlt Alt key
RightCtrl Ctrl key
RightOption Option key. Not supported on the X Window System.
RightShift Shift key
RightWin Windows Start menu key
ScrollLock Scroll Lock (typed whether it is currently on or off).
ScrollLockOff Scroll Lock (typed only if it is currently on). Not supported on the X Window System or the Open Agent.
ScrollLockOn Scroll Lock (typed only if it is currently off). Not supported on the X Window System or the Open Agent.
Shift Left-side Shift key
Space Space bar
Tab Tab
Undo Undo key. Supported on the X Window System only.
Up Up arrow