SetText Method (JavaJFCTextField)




Substitutes new text for all or part of the text in the text field.


textfield.SetText (sText [, iStartChar, iNumChars, useClipboard])
Variable Description
sText The text to substitute. STRING.
iStartChar Optional: The character position in the text field (starting from 1) at which to begin the substitution. INTEGER.
iNumChars Optional: The number of characters in the text field to substitute with sText. INTEGER.
useClipboard Optional. Whether Silk Test Classic uses the new, Clipboard method to substitute text. By default, this is set to FALSE and the original method, which is faster, is used. If you want to substitute special characters, we recommend setting the parameter to TRUE to use the slower, Clipboard method. BOOLEAN.


  • SetText substitutes the characters sText for the text in the text field. This method works only with the first line of multi-line text fields.
  • If iStartChar is specified, SetText substitutes sText for the characters starting with the iStartChar character, and continuing to the end of the line. If both iStartChar and iNumChars are specified, it substitutes sText for iNumChars characters starting with the iStartChar character.
  • If iStartChar is omitted, SetText substitutes sText for the entire contents of the text field.
  • SetText sets up to 1024 characters.
  • If the SetText method does not work as expected, you can try the TypeKeys method.

Example 1

STRING sHello = "Hello, world"
Find.FindWhat.SetText (sHello)

Example 2

The following example illustrates date transformation using the Text Field window in the test application shipped with Silk Test Classic.

testcase GetandSetText1 ()

STRING sReturnedText
TextFieldWindow.Invoke ()
Print ("Entering the value '9/18/02'")
TextFieldWindow.TheTextField.SetText ("9/18/02")
Print ("Getting...")
sReturnedText = TextFieldWindow.TheTextField.GetText ()
Print (sReturnedText)
TextFieldWindow.Close ()

// Result:
// Entering the value '9/18/02'
// *** Y2K Notification: date value '9/18/02' has been
   changed to '09/18/2003' in TextFieldWindow.TheTextField.SetText
// Getting ...
// 09/18/2003

Note the following about this test:

  • The argument to SetText is "9/18/02". That date is of the input form m/dd/yy so it matches the rule. Therefore, the date is transformed to the form mm/dd/yyyy. In this case, the date is set to 09/18/2003, as shown in the return from GetText.
  • Silk Test Classic includes a notification message that the date has been transformed.

Example 3

This example illustrates date transformation using the Text Field window in the test application shipped with Silk Test Classic.

testcase GetandSetText2 ()

STRING sReturnedText
TextFieldWindow.Invoke ()
Print ("Entering the value '9/18/20'")
TextFieldWindow.TheTextField.SetText ("9/18/20")
Print ("Getting...")
sReturnedText = TextFieldWindow.TheTextField.GetText ()
Print (sReturnedText)
TextFieldWindow.Close ()

// Result:
// Entering the value '9/18/20'
// *** Y2K Notification: date value '9/18/20' has been
   changed to '09/18/2020' in TextFieldWindow.TheTextField.SetText
// Getting ...
// 09/18/2020

Note the following about this test:

  • The argument to SetText is "9/18/20", also of the input form m/dd/yy, so it matches the rule.
  • In this case, the year (20) is below the threshold in the rule (30), so the date is converted to 2020, instead of 1920.