Setting Recording Options for xBrowser

This functionality is supported only if you are using the Open Agent.

There are several options that can be used to optimize the recording of Web applications.

  1. Click Options > Recorder.
  2. Check the Record mouse move actions box if you are testing a Web page that uses mouse move events. You cannot record mouse move events for child technology domains of the xBrowser technology domain, for example Apache Flex and Swing. Silk Test Classic will only record mouse move events that cause changes to the hovered element or its parent in order to keep scripts short.
  3. You can change the mouse move delay if required. Mouse move actions will only be recorded if the mouse stands still for this time. A shorter delay will result in more unexpected mouse move actions.
  4. Click the Browser tab.
  5. In the Locator attribute name exclude list grid, type the attribute names to ignore while recording. For example, if you do not want to record attributes named height, add the height attribute name to the grid. Separate attribute names with a comma.
  6. In the Locator attribute value exclude list grid, type the attribute values to ignore while recording. For example, if you do not want to record attributes assigned the value of x-auto, add x-auto to the grid. Separate attribute values with a comma.
  7. To record native user input instead of DOM functions, check the OPT_XBROWSER_RECORD_LOWLEVEL check box.

    For example, to record Click instead of DomClick and TypeKeys instead of SetText, check this check box.

    If your application uses a plug-in or AJAX, use native user input. If your application does not use a plug-in or AJAX, we recommend using high-level DOM functions, which do not require the browser to be focused or active during playback. As a result, tests that use DOM functions are faster and more reliable.

  8. Click the Custom Attributes tab.
  9. Select xBrowser in the Select a tech domain list box and add the DOM attributes that you want to use for locators to the text box. Using a custom attribute is more reliable than other attributes like caption or index, since a caption will change when you translate the application into another language, and the index might change when another object is added. If custom attributes are available, the locator generator uses these attributes before any other attribute. The order of the list also represents the priority in which the attributes are used by the locator generator. If the attributes that you specify are not available for the objects that you select, Silk Test Classic uses the default attributes for xBrowser.
  10. Click OK. You can now record or manually create a test that uses ignores browser attributes and uses the type of page input that you specified.