Uploading a Keyword Library to Silk Central

To work with Silk Central, ensure that you have configured a valid Silk Central location. For additional information, see Integrating Silk4NET with Silk Central.

To automate manual tests in Silk Central, upload keywords that you have implemented in a Silk4NET project as a keyword library to Silk Central, where you can then use the keywords to automate manual tests.
  1. In Silk4NET, select the project in which the keyword-driven tests reside.
  2. Ensure that a library with the same name exists in Silk Central (Tests > Libraries).
  3. In the menu, select Silk4NET > Upload Keyword Library.
  4. Optional: Provide a description of the changes to the keyword library.
  5. Optional: Click Configure to configure the connection to Silk Central.
  6. Optional: To see which libraries are available in the connected Silk Central instance, click on the link.
  7. Click Upload.
    If the keyword library in Silk Central is already assigned to a different automation tool or another Silk Test client, you are asked if you really want to change the type of the keyword library. Upload the library only if you are sure that you want to change the type.
Silk4NET creates a keyword library out of all the keywords that are implemented in the project. Then Silk4NET saves the keyword library with the name library.zip into the output folder of the project. The library is validated for consistency, and any changes which might break existing tests in Silk Central are listed in the Upload Keyword Library to Silk Central dialog box. Finally, Silk4NET uploads the library to Silk Central. You can now use the keywords in Silk Central. Any keyword-driven tests in Silk Central, which use the keywords that are included in the keyword library, automatically use the current implementation of the keywords.