Setting Browser Recording Options

Specify browser attributes to ignore while recording and whether to record native user input instead of DOM functions.
Note: All the following settings are optional. Change these settings if they will improve the quality of your test methods.
  1. Click Silk4NET > Edit Options. The Script Options dialog box opens.
  2. Click the Browser tab.
  3. In the Locator attribute name exclude list grid, type the attribute names to ignore while recording. For example, if you do not want to record attributes named height, add the height attribute name to the grid. Separate attribute names with a comma.
  4. In the Locator attribute value exclude list grid, type the attribute values to ignore while recording. For example, if you do not want to record attributes assigned the value of x-auto, add x-auto to the grid. Separate attribute values with a comma.
  5. To record native user input instead of DOM functions, check the OPT_XBROWSER_RECORD_LOWLEVEL check box. For example, to record Click instead of DomClick and TypeKeys instead of SetText, check this check box. If your application uses a plug-in or AJAX, use native user input. If your application does not use a plug-in or AJAX, we recommend using high-level DOM functions, which do not require the browser to be focused or active during playback. As a result, tests that use DOM functions are faster and more reliable.
  6. To set the maximum length for locator attribute values, type the length into the field in the Maximum attribute value length section. If the actual length exceeds that limit the value is truncated and a wild card (*) is appended. By default this value is set to 20 characters.
  7. To automatically search for an unobstructed click spot on the specified target element, check the OPT_XBROWSER_ENABLE_SMART_CLICK_POSITION check box.
  8. To force Mozilla Firefox to open external links in a new tab instead of a new window, check OPT_FIREFOX_SINGLE_WINDOW_MODE.
    Note: This option only works with Mozilla Firefox 52 or later.
  9. To disable iframe and frame support for browsers, uncheck OPT_XBROWSER_ENABLE_IFRAME_SUPPORT. If you are not interested in the content of the iframes in a web application, disabling the iframe support might improve replay performance. For example, disabling the iframe support might significantly improve replay performance for web pages with many adds and when testing in a mobile browser. This option is ignored by Internet Explorer. This option is enabled by default.
  10. In the Include list for iframe support, specify attributes of iframes and frames that should be considered during testing. Every entry in the list defines an attribute name and the corresponding value. All iframes and frames that do not match at least one of the entries are excluded. Wildcards are allowed, for example the entry "name:*form" would include <IFRAME name="user-form" src=…>. This option is ignored by Internet Explorer. If the list is empty, all iframes and frames are considered during testing. Separate multiple entries with a comma.
  11. In the Exclude list for iframe support, specify attributes of iframes and frames that should be excluded during testing. Every entry in the list defines an attribute name and the corresponding value. All iframes and frames that do not match at least one of the entries are considered during testing. Wildcards are allowed, for example the entry "src:*advertising*" would exclude <IFRAME src=http://my.domain/advertising-banner.html>. This option is ignored by Internet Explorer. If the list is empty, all iframes and frames are considered during testing. Separate multiple entries with a comma.
  12. Click OK.