Verification Logic

Verification logic evaluates a user-defined condition, and then sends a pass/fail message to the result of a visual test or script. Optionally, you can also flag a failed test step to appear in the result of a visual test. The condition used in verification logic compares two values and returns a value based on the comparison. For more information, see Condition Designer. The values in the condition can be either the value of a property of a control in the test application, the value of a variable used in the visual test, or the time taken to run a sequence of test steps.

Verification logic consists of the following elements:

If <condition=TRUE> Then
  __<Send pass message to results>
  __<Send fail message/flag to results>
End If         

For example, the condition in the following decision logic compares the variable propertyVar with the literal value "4". If the variable propertyVar is greater than the literal value "4", then a pass message is sent to the results. If the value is less than "4", a fail message and flag is sent:

If propertyVar > 4 Then
  __<Send pass message>
  __<Send fail message & flag>  
End If             

You can create verification logic using either the Test Logic Designer wizard or the Logic Toolbox. You may also create verification logic during the recording of a visual test.