ActiveData Updates in Visual Test Step Text

Silk Test Workbench updates a step's text when data in the step is mapped to data in an ActiveData file. In the step, the literal data in the Steps column of the Test Steps pane is replaced text that indicates the ActiveData asset, the type of data being substituted, and the column in the ActiveData file that contains the data to be substituted.

The following examples show how Silk Test replaces literal data in the step text with mapped data in an ActiveData file.

Example 1: Text input

The following example shows an automation step that enters the literal value Smith into a TextField control in a test application. The literal value is in the text property for the step:

Enter 'Smith'

When the literal data is substituted with data from a column named Last Name in an ActiveData asset named contacts, the step text changes as follows:

Enter '[[contacts].Text("Last Name")]'

In this case, Silk Test Workbench interprets the substituted value as text because the substituted data contains alphabetic characters, so the data type specified in the step is Text.

Example 2: Numeric input

The following example shows a step that moves a window to a position on the screen that is based on coordinate values in the Left and Top properties for the step:

Move to 235, 427

When the values for the Left and Top properties are substituted with data from columns named Left Coordinate and Top Coordinate in a file associated with an ActiveData asset named coordinates, the step text changes as follows:

Move to [[coordinates].Long("Left Coordinate")], [[coordinates].Long("Top Coordinate")]

In this case, Silk Test Workbench interprets the value in the ActiveData file as numeric because the substituted data contains only numeric characters, so the data type specified in the step is Long.