Installation and Licensing for StarTeam


Installation instructions for installing StarTeam products can be found in the StarTeam Installation Guide.


StarTeam is available in three licensing packages:

StarTeam Enterprise provides a basic feature set, including the StarTeam Server, StarTeamMPX (MPX Event Transmitter and MPX Message Broker), the Cross-Platform Client, StarTeam Web Client, LDAP QuickStart Manager, and the SDK. The requirements component is not available with this license, however, it does provide access to custom fields.
Enterprise Advantage
StarTeam Enterprise Advantage has all the StarTeam Enterprise features plus the Requirement component, StarTeamMPX (MPX Cache Agent and MPX File Transmitter), and StarTeam Workflow Extensions which include alternate property editors (APEs) that enable you to create custom forms and design workflow rules to control how all the items in a component move from state to state. StarTeam Datamart is available for purchase.