
The starteam-server-configs.xml file contains session options for one or more server configurations. StarTeam Server session options specify the core information that the Server requires to start a server configuration. One starteam-server-configs.xml file exists per computer and is located in the same folder as the StarTeam Server application. On Microsoft Windows, this file is usually located in C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\StarTeam Server <version #>.

The session option information for each server configuration begins with the name of the configuration in brackets and is followed by a set of options and their settings. The StarTeam Server creates and maintains this file, which is created when the first server configuration is created. The file is updated whenever a server configuration is created, modified, deleted, started, or stopped. Do not edit this file directly. We recommend that you back up the starteam-server-configs.xml file or put it under version control.

Information in this file includes:

Server-Managed Settings

Important: Options in this section should only be modified using the Admin tool, if at all.
Configuration Creation Settings
Value supplied by the server. This option is set by the server. Do not edit it.
Identifies the computer on which Microsoft Windows resides. This option is set by the server. Do not edit it.
Indicates that a server configuration cannot have any Native-I archive files.
Indicates whether the database tables used by the application are already created. Do not edit this option.
The domain user name for the user who created the server configuration. This option is set by the server. Do not edit it.
Indicates whether this server configuration was initialized. This option is maintained by the server. Do not edit it.
Application Settings
The complete path to the repository folders. This information is set using the -r option with starteamserver command. The repository path can only be specified when creating a new server configuration. This information cannot be modified for existing server configurations.
Binds a server configuration to a specific TCP/IP (sockets) address. For example, if the StarTeam Server has more than one IP address (more than one NIC card), you can configure it to listen to one specific port. When this option is set to 0 (default) the server configuration listens to all IP addresses on the specified port. The port is specified on the Protocol tab of the Configure Server tool in the Server Administration Tool.
Specifies the location of the server log file.
Server endpoint.
This information is set using the -mb option with starteamserver command. The message broker type can be specified when creating a new server configuration. Message broker options available include:
  • 0 = None
  • 1 = Legacy StarteamMPX
  • 2 = ActiveMQ MPX
Database Settings
The port used by the database server.
Name of the database server.
(Oracle only). The name of the service on the Oracle server. Either -dbservicename or -dbsid is required when creating an Oracle configuration from the Microsoft Windows command line.
(Oracle only). This is the SID on the Oracle server. Either the -dbsid or the -dbservername parameter is required when creating an Oracle configuration from the Microsoft Windows command line.
This information is set using the -t option with starteamserver command. The database type can only be specified when creating a new server configuration. This information cannot be modified for existing server configurations. You can review the database type using the -view option from the command line or in the application on the Database tab of the dialog.
  • 2 = Microsoft SQL Server or SSE.
  • 3 = Oracle.
  • 7= PostgreSQL.
Name by which the application accesses the server configuration database. This information is set using the -u option with the starteamserver command.
Password for DBUserName by which the application accesses the server configuration database. This information is set using the -p option with the starteamserver command.
Process Execution Settings
The Process ID for the instance of the server configuration that is currently running. Otherwise, this option is set to 0. This option is maintained by the StarTeam Server. Do not edit it. When this option is missing, starteamserver creates it.
Indicates the sample server configuration. For internal use only. Do not edit this option.
For use on Windows NT systems only. Use 1 to run the server configuration as an NT Service. Use 0 to run the server configuration as an application.
Indicates whether the server configuration is Ready, Starting, Running, or Stopping. This option is maintained by the server. Do not edit it. When this option is missing, starteamserver creates it.

Performance Tuning

Number of connections created at server startup. Default: 25. Valid range: 10-100.
Maximum number of database connections that the server is allowed to have, connections added as needed. If max limit is reached, you receive a message: "Failed to acquire a database connection. Please contact an administrator to increase number of database connections."
Default: 25. Valid range: 10-65,535.
Not used.
Specifies the maximum number of command threads that the server configuration can create. A setting of 0 for this option causes the server configuration to use the default value. Default value: 25. Valid range: 16-120.
Defines the relative preference of file data in the server data cache. Each component will occupy no more than it's percent share, which is calculated as shown in the following example: FileShare% = (100 * ItemCachePriority_File ) / (ItemCachePriority_File + ItemCachePriority_Change + ItemCachePriority_Requirement + ItemCachePriority_Task + ItemCachePriority_Topic + ItemCachePriority_Folder ).
Default value: 100. Valid range: 0-100.
Defines the relative preference of component data in the server data cache. Default value: 0. Valid range: 0-100.
Defines the relative preference of component data in the server data cache. Default value: 0. Valid range: 0-100.
Defines the relative preference of component data in the server data cache. Default value: 0. Valid range: 0-100.
Defines the relative preference of component data in the server data cache. Default value: 0. Valid range: 0-100.
Cache on startup setting by class name (File, Changes, Topic, etc). Default value: 64-bit = 1, 32-bit =0. Valid values: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled).
Defines the relative preference of component data in the server data cache. Default value: 100. Valid range: 0-100.
Enables logging of item cache cleanup. Default value: 0. Valid values: 0 (disabled) and 1 (enabled).
Defines the maximum amount of memory that can be used for caching item data, in MB. The default value is -1, which means no limit is set and the server will use up to the maximum amount of memory available to the server process for caching the data. Example: Adding <option name="ItemCacheMemoryLimit" value="100"/> to the configuration file will set the cache limit to 100 MB. Valid range: 1000-7000.
Maximum allowed process memory size, used as cap for Item Data Cache size. Default values:
2.3 GB
8.0 GB
Socket connection timeout. Default value: 0. Valid range: 0-10.
Data Cache queries tuning. Default value: 10000.
Limits the maximum number of connections per workstation. Default value: 25. Valid range: 25-100.
Used to enable/disable LinkValue caching. Default value: 1. Valid values: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled).
Minimum command API accepted by the server. Default value: 1.25. Valid range:
Used to set stack size in MB during thread creation on Linux. Use to override the default system size of 1 MB.

Functional Settings

Association of status between completed user stories (created using Info Streams) and Original Change Request. When enabled, a Story is marked complete in agile and triggers the corresponding Change Request to be marked fixed. Default value: 1 . Valid values: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled).
Disables creation of certain type of views. Default value: 1. Valid values: 0 (enabled) or 1 (disabled).
Override the locale for notification messages. Default value: empty, using server locale. Valid values: En, fr, de, pt, zh-cn, or ja.
File content is compressed in the archives directory only if the compressed file is smaller than the threshold value (in percent). Default value: 10. Valid range: 0-100.
Enable/disable View Workspace Modified Time feature. Default value: 1. Valid values: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled).
Enable/disable Atomic transactions for VCM. Default value: 0. Valid values: 0 (enabled) and 1 (disabled).
Level of logging detail. Default value: 0. Valid range: 0-6.
Treat files containing a mix of EOF characters as binary. Default value: 0. Valid values: 0 (no) or 1 (yes).
Upgrade attachments even if upgrade form 12.0 was previously run. Used to force re-migration of attachments. Default value: 0 0. Valid values: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled).
IDs of views to be cached on startup. Example: 22, 57, 1547.
Create checkin change packages during file checkin. Default value: 1. Valid values: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled).
Enable/Disable custom tools. Default value: 0. Valid values: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled).
Checkout files using revision's file name. Default value: 0. Valid values: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled).
Enable/disable external traces. Default value: 1. Valid values: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled).
You can specify a semi-colon separated list of extensions which will automatically be treated as binary files on check-in. For example:
Association of status between completed user stories (created using Info Streams) and Original Change Request. When enabled, a Story is marked complete in agile triggers the corresponding CR to be marked fixed.

Default value: 0. Valid values: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled).

Used to enable/disable workflow in the command line SDK.

Default value: 0. Valid values: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled).

List of file extensions to treat always as binary. Use quotes ("") to denote the extensions. For example, "pdf;.doc;.xls;".

URL Settings

Web address of StarTeam Agile used by the Cross-Platform Client to access StarTeam Agile. Default value: "". Example: http://agile:8080/topaz-web/login.jsp?
URL of REST service, used to generate notification URL. Default value: <ServerHostnameUrl>:80. Example: "hostname:portnumber".
Rest service port over-ride. This value must match the Apache Tomcat Port Number. Default value: 9090. Valid range: 0-10000.

Purge Settings

Online purge thread priority. Default value: Background. Valid values: Background or Foreground.
Online purge execution time, in seconds. Default value: 60. Valid range: 10-400.
Online purge log type. Default value: 0. Valid values: 0 (normal) or 1 (verbose).