Tracing Data from Check-out Operations with the Check-out Trace Utility

The StarTeam check-out Trace utility generates a *.csv file that provides data about check-out operations for the server configuration for which tracing is enabled. Before you run the utility, you must enable tracing for the server configuration in the starteam-server-configs.xml file. With tracing enabled, the server generates a trace record for each checked out file and saves the information in a trace file (check-out.cotrc). The utility uses the trace file as input and outputs a *.csv file containing data about the check-out operations. You can import the output from the *.csv file into Datamart or an Excel spreadsheet.

The *.csv file contains the following information for each check-out:

Note: Checkout data will not be included in the generated .cotrc file if a Cache Agent performed the checkout. Data will only be included in the .cotrc file if the check-out operation was performed by the Server.
Note: To optimize performance, StarTeam does not immediately update trace files. StarTeam buffers the information for the trace file in memory and writes it to the trace file during idle time processing.

You can find the check-out Trace utility in the StarTeam Server root installation folder (CheckoutTraceDump.exe). For information about using the utility, refer to the links at the bottom of this topic.