
The StarTeam.Log file records the operations performed on your client workstation during a session. It helps you troubleshoot and document errors or operations between the server and your workstation that failed during server configuration sessions. The file may contain commands sent by your workstation to a server configuration when you open and work with a project, commands performed locally on your workstation, error messages generated while using the application, or events performed by StarTeamMPX.

Every time you start your client, the system creates a StarTeam.Log file in the folder location specified in your personal options. On most systems, the default location for the log file is %PROGRAMDATA%\Borland\StarTeam. If there is a log file already in this folder, The application renames the existing file to include the date and time at which it was renamed. For example, if you create a StarTeam.Log file on November 9, 2011 at 10:35 A.M., the old log file is renamed StarTeam-09-Nov-11-10-35-18.Log, and a new log file is created.

Because the application creates a new StarTeam.Log file every time you start the client, the log folder can fill up quickly. To control the number of log files in the folder, you may want to periodically delete old log files from the output folder or disable the log option. To disable the option, clear the Log Errors and the Log Operations check boxes on the Workspace tab of the Personal Options dialog. To display the StarTeam.Log file, select Tools > StarTeam Log File from the menu bar. You can also import and view the data from a log file using any application that supports tab-delimited fields. For example, if you save the file with a .csv extension, the file can be opened in Microsoft Excel.

The Workspace tab on the Personal Options dialog enables you to specify the location and the type of data recorded in the StarTeam.Log file