VisiBroker for Java

Interface EventChannelFactoryOperations

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface EventChannelFactoryOperations

Method Summary
 EventChannel create_channel(Property[] initial_qos, Property[] initial_admin, IntHolder id)
          The create_channel operation is invoked to create a new instance of the Notification Service style event channel.
 int[] get_all_channels()
 EventChannel get_event_channel(int id)

Method Detail


EventChannel get_event_channel(int id)
                               throws ChannelNotFound
id - A numeric value that is supposed to be the unique identifier of a Notification Service event channel, which has been created by this target object.
The object reference of the Notification Service event channel corresponding to the input identifier.
ChannelNotFound - If this input value does not correspond to such a unique identifier.


int[] get_all_channels()
A sequence of all of the unique numeric identifiers corresponding to Notification Service event channels, which have been created by this target object sofar.


EventChannel create_channel(Property[] initial_qos,
                            Property[] initial_admin,
                            IntHolder id)
                            throws UnsupportedQoS,
The create_channel operation is invoked to create a new instance of the Notification Service style event channel. The create_channel operation returns a reference to a new Notification Service style event channel. In addition, the operation assigns to this new event channel a numeric identifier, which is unique among all event channels created by the target object.

initial_qos - A list of name-value pairs, which specify the initial QoS property settings for the new channel.
initial_admin - A list of name-value pairs, which specify the initial administrative property settings for the new channel.
id - An output parameter containing a numeric identifier corresponding to the new event channel. This identifier is unique among all event channels created by this instance.
The reference to a new Notification Service style event channel.
UnsupportedQoS - If no implementation of the EventChannel interface exists that can support all of the requested QoS property settings. This exception contains as data a sequence of data structures, each of which identifies the name of a QoS property in the input list, whose requested setting could not be satisfied, along with an error code and a range of settings for the property that could be satisfied.
UnsupportedAdmin - If no implementation of the EventChannel interface exists that can support all of the requested administrative property settings. This exception contains as data a sequence of data structures, each of which identifies the name of an administrative property in the input list whose requested setting could not be satisfied, along with an error code and a range of settings for the property which could be satisfied.

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