VisiBroker for Java

Interface SupplierAdminOperations

All Superinterfaces:
FilterAdminOperations, NotifyPublishOperations, QoSAdminOperations, SupplierAdminOperations
All Known Subinterfaces:
SupplierAdmin, TypedSupplierAdmin, TypedSupplierAdminOperations

public interface SupplierAdminOperations
extends QoSAdminOperations, NotifyPublishOperations, FilterAdminOperations, SupplierAdminOperations

Method Summary
 void destroy()
          The destroy operation is invoked just before this SupplierAdmin instance is destroyed, in this method, implementor must free all resources held by this instance.
 ProxyConsumer get_proxy_consumer(int proxy_id)
 EventChannel MyChannel()
          The MyChannel attribute is a readonly attribute that maintains the object reference of the Notification Service event channel, which created a given SupplierAdmin instance.
 int MyID()
          The MyID attribute is a readonly attribute that maintains the unique identifier of the target SupplierAdmin instance, which is assigned to it upon creation by the Notification Service event channel.
 InterFilterGroupOperator MyOperator()
          The MyOperator attribute is a readonly attribute that maintains the information regarding whether AND or OR semantics will be used during the evaluation of a given event against a set of filter objects, when combining the filter objects associated with the target SupplierAdmin and those defined locally on a given proxy consumer.
 ProxyConsumer obtain_notification_pull_consumer(ClientType ctype, IntHolder proxy_id)
          The obtain_notification_pull_consumer operation creates instances of the various types of pull-style proxy consumer objects defined within the CosNotifyChannelAdmin module.
 ProxyConsumer obtain_notification_push_consumer(ClientType ctype, IntHolder proxy_id)
          The obtain_notification_push_consumer operation creates instances of the various types of push-style proxy consumer objects defined within the CosNotifyChannelAdmin module.
 int[] pull_consumers()
          The pull_consumers attribute is a readonly attribute that contains the list of unique identifiers, which have been assigned by a SupplierAdmin instance to each pull-style proxy consumer object it has created.
 int[] push_consumers()
          The push_consumers attribute is a readonly attribute that contains the list of unique identifiers, which have been assigned by a SupplierAdmin instance to each pushstyle proxy consumer object it has created.
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CosNotification.QoSAdminOperations
get_qos, set_qos, validate_qos
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CosNotifyComm.NotifyPublishOperations
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CosNotifyFilter.FilterAdminOperations
add_filter, get_all_filters, get_filter, remove_all_filters, remove_filter
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CosEventChannelAdmin.SupplierAdminOperations
obtain_pull_consumer, obtain_push_consumer

Method Detail


void destroy()
The destroy operation is invoked just before this SupplierAdmin instance is destroyed, in this method, implementor must free all resources held by this instance. Note that destroy can be invoked on a SupplierAdmin instance that is currently managing proxy consumer objects that support open connections to suppliers. In this case, the effect of invoking destroy on the SupplierAdmin is that the operation will disconnect each of the proxy consumer objects being managed by the target SupplierAdmin from their suppliers, and destroy each of these proxy consumers. Ultimately, the SupplierAdmin instance itself will be destroyed.


ProxyConsumer obtain_notification_push_consumer(ClientType ctype,
                                                IntHolder proxy_id)
                                                throws AdminLimitExceeded
The obtain_notification_push_consumer operation creates instances of the various types of push-style proxy consumer objects defined within the CosNotifyChannelAdmin module. This SupplierAdmin instance creates the new push-style proxy consumer instance and assigns a numeric identifier to it that is unique among all proxy consumers it has created. Three varieties of push-style proxy consumer objects are defined within this module:

ctype - A flag that indicates which style of push-style proxy consumer instance should be created.
proxy_id - An output parameter containing a numeric identifier uniquely corresponds to the just created push-style proxy consumer instance.
The object reference to the newly created proxy consumer.
AdminLimitExceeded - If the number of suppliers currently connected to the channel with which the target SupplierAdmin object is associated exceeds the value of the MaxSuppliers administrative property.


ProxyConsumer obtain_notification_pull_consumer(ClientType ctype,
                                                IntHolder proxy_id)
                                                throws AdminLimitExceeded
The obtain_notification_pull_consumer operation creates instances of the various types of pull-style proxy consumer objects defined within the CosNotifyChannelAdmin module. This SupplierAdmin instance creates the new pull-style proxy consumer instance and assigns a numeric identifier to it that is unique among all proxy consumers it has created. Three varieties of pull-style proxy consumer objects are defined within this module:

ctype - A flag that indicates which style of pull-style proxy consumer instance should be created.
proxy_id - An output parameter containing a numeric identifier uniquely corresponds to the just created pull-style proxy consumer instance.
The object reference to the newly created proxy consumer.
AdminLimitExceeded - If the number of suppliers currently connected to the channel with which the target SupplierAdmin object is associated exceeds the value of the MaxSuppliers administrative property.


ProxyConsumer get_proxy_consumer(int proxy_id)
                                 throws ProxyNotFound
proxy_id - The numeric unique identifier associated with one of the proxy consumer objects that has been created by the target SupplierAdmin instance.
The reference of proxy consumer object, which corresponds to the passed unique identifier
ProxyNotFound - If the input parameter does not correspond to the unique identifier of any proxy consumer object that has been created by this SupplierAdmin instance.


int[] push_consumers()
The push_consumers attribute is a readonly attribute that contains the list of unique identifiers, which have been assigned by a SupplierAdmin instance to each pushstyle proxy consumer object it has created.


int[] pull_consumers()
The pull_consumers attribute is a readonly attribute that contains the list of unique identifiers, which have been assigned by a SupplierAdmin instance to each pull-style proxy consumer object it has created.


InterFilterGroupOperator MyOperator()
The MyOperator attribute is a readonly attribute that maintains the information regarding whether AND or OR semantics will be used during the evaluation of a given event against a set of filter objects, when combining the filter objects associated with the target SupplierAdmin and those defined locally on a given proxy consumer.


EventChannel MyChannel()
The MyChannel attribute is a readonly attribute that maintains the object reference of the Notification Service event channel, which created a given SupplierAdmin instance.


int MyID()
The MyID attribute is a readonly attribute that maintains the unique identifier of the target SupplierAdmin instance, which is assigned to it upon creation by the Notification Service event channel.

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