VisiBroker for Java

Interface NotifyPublish

All Superinterfaces:
IDLEntity, NotifyPublishOperations, Object,
All Known Subinterfaces:
ProxyPullConsumer, ProxyPushConsumer, PullConsumer, PushConsumer, SequenceProxyPullConsumer, SequenceProxyPushConsumer, SequencePullConsumer, SequencePushConsumer, StructuredProxyPullConsumer, StructuredProxyPushConsumer, StructuredPullConsumer, StructuredPushConsumer, SupplierAdmin, TypedProxyPullConsumer, TypedProxyPushConsumer, TypedPushConsumer, TypedSupplierAdmin

public interface NotifyPublish
extends Object, NotifyPublishOperations, IDLEntity

The NotifyPublish interface supports an operation which allows a supplier of Notifications to announce, or publish, the names of the types of events it will be supplying, It is intended to be an abstract interface which is inherited by all Notification Service consumer interfaces, and enables suppliers to inform consumers supporting this interface of the types of events they intend to supply.

Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CORBA.Object
_create_request, _create_request, _duplicate, _get_domain_managers, _get_interface_def, _get_policy, _hash, _is_a, _is_equivalent, _non_existent, _release, _request, _set_policy_override
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CosNotifyComm.NotifyPublishOperations

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