VisiBroker for Java

Interface FilterFactoryOperations

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public interface FilterFactoryOperations

The FilterFactory interface defines operations for creating filter objects.

Method Summary
 Filter create_filter(java.lang.String constraint_grammar)
          The create_filter operation is responsible for creating a new forwarding filter object.
 MappingFilter create_mapping_filter(java.lang.String constraint_grammar, Any default_value)
          The create_mapping_filter operation is responsible for creating a new mapping filter object.

Method Detail


MappingFilter create_mapping_filter(java.lang.String constraint_grammar,
                                    Any default_value)
                                    throws InvalidGrammar
The create_mapping_filter operation is responsible for creating a new mapping filter object.

constraint_grammar - A string parameter, which identifies the grammar in which constraints associated with this filter will have meaning.
default_value - An Any which will be set as the default_value of the newly created mapping filter.
The reference to an object supporting the MappingFilter interface, which can subsequently be configured to support constraints in the appropriate grammar, along with their associated mapping values.
InvalidGrammar - If the client invoking this operation supplies as input the name of a grammar that is not supported by any mapping filter implementation this factory is capable of creating.


Filter create_filter(java.lang.String constraint_grammar)
                     throws InvalidGrammar
The create_filter operation is responsible for creating a new forwarding filter object.

constraint_grammar - A string parameter which identifies the grammar in which constraints associated with this filter will have meaning.
The reference to an object supporting the Filter interface, which can subsequently be configured to support constraints in the appropriate grammar.
InvalidGrammar - If the client invoking this operation supplies as input the name of a grammar that is not supported by any forwarding filter implementation this factory is capable of creating.

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