VisiBroker for Java

Interface TypedConsumerAdmin

All Superinterfaces:
ConsumerAdmin, ConsumerAdminOperations, FilterAdmin, FilterAdminOperations, IDLEntity, NotifySubscribe, NotifySubscribeOperations, Object, QoSAdmin, QoSAdminOperations,, org.omg.CosTypedEventChannelAdmin.TypedConsumerAdmin, org.omg.CosTypedEventChannelAdmin.TypedConsumerAdminOperations

public interface TypedConsumerAdmin
extends TypedConsumerAdminOperations, ConsumerAdmin, org.omg.CosTypedEventChannelAdmin.TypedConsumerAdmin, IDLEntity

The TypedConsumerAdmin interface defines the behavior supported by objects which create and manage lists of proxy supplier objects within a Notification Service typed event channel. Similar to its untyped counterpart, a Notification Service typed event channel can have any number of TypedConsumerAdmin instances associated with it. Each such instance is responsible for creating and managing a list of proxy supplier objects that share a common set of QoS property settings, and a common set of filter objects. This feature enables clients to conveniently group proxy supplier objects within a channel into groupings that each support a set of consumers with a common set of QoS requirements and event subscriptions.

Note that the TypedConsumerAdmin interface inherits from ConsumerAdmin interface defined in the CosNotifyChannelAdmin module, and the TypedConsumerAdmin interface defined in the CosTypedEventChannelAdmin module. These inheritance relationships have several implications for a Notification Service style TypedConsumerAdmin instance.

First, inheritance of the ConsumerAdmin interface defined in the CosNotifyChannelAdmin module implies that in addition to being capable of creating and managing Notification Service style typed proxy supplier objects, a TypedConsumerAdmin instance can also create and manage instances supporting any of the proxy supplier interfaces defined in the CosNotifyChannelAdmin module. In addition, since the ConsumerAdmin interface defined in the CosNotifyChannelAdmin module inherits from the ConsumerAdmin interface defined in the CosEventChannelAdmin module, a TypedConsumerAdmin can also create and manage OMG Event service style untyped proxy supplier objects.

Likewise, inheritance of the TypedConsumerAdmin interface defined in the CosTypedEventChannelAdmin module implies that an instance supporting the CosTypedNotifyChannelAdmin?s version of TypedConsumerAdmin can create and manage OMG Event Service style typed proxy supplier objects as well.

Thus, instances supporting the TypedConsumerAdmin interface defined in the CosTypedNotifyChannelAdmin module can potentially create and manage instances supporting any of the proxy supplier interfaces defined in the CosEventChannelAdmin, CosNotifyChannelAdmin, CosTypedEventChannelAdmin, and the CosTypedNotifyChannelAdmin (due to locally defined factory operations) modules. The implication of this is that a Notification Service style typed event channel can support OMG Event Service style untyped and typed consumers, along with all variations of consumers defined in the Notification Service as clients.

Note also that the inherited CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ConsumerAdmin interface provides an instance supporting the CosTypedNotifyChannelAdmin::TypedConsumerAdmin interface with the behaviors necessary to associate unique identifiers with the proxy supplier objects it creates. While the TypedConsumerAdmin interface defined here is capable of creating OMG Event Service style untyped and typed proxy supplier objects, only instances of the proxy supplier interfaces defined in the Notification Service can have associated unique identifiers.

Similarly, the inheritance of the ConsumerAdmin interface defined in the CosNotifyChannelAdmin module provides an instance supporting the TypedConsumerAdmin interface defined in the CosTypedNotifyChannelAdmin module with the behaviors necessary to maintain associated QoS property settings and filter objects. Note again that QoS property settings and filter objects can only be associated with Notification Service style proxy suppliers, both typed and untyped.

Inheritance of the ConsumerAdmin interface defined in CosNotifyChannelAdmin also implies that TypedConsumerAdmin also inherits from the NotifySubscribe interface defined in CosNotifyComm. This inheritance enables optimizing the notification of a group of proxy supplier objects that have been created by the same TypedConsumerAdmin instance of changes to shared filter objects, since this inheritance enables a TypedConsumerAdmin instance to be registered as the callback object for notification of subscription changes made upon filter objects. Lastly, inheritance of the ConsumerAdmin interface defined in CosNotifyChannelAdmin implies that an instance of the TypedConsumerAdmin interface supports readonly attributes that maintain the unique identifier of the instance supplied to it by its creating channel, the object reference of the creating channel, and the flag which indicates whether AND or OR semantics will be used when combining the filter objects associated with a TypedConsumerAdmin with those defined on specific proxy suppliers created by the TypedConsumerAdmin.

Locally, the TypedConsumerAdmin interface supports the operations that create new Notification Service style typed proxy supplier instances. Note lastly that due to inheritance of the ConsumerAdmin interface defined in the CosNotifyChannelAdmin module, an instance supporting the TypedConsumerAdmin interface supports a readonly attribute, which maintains a unique identifier assigned to the instance by the channel which created it.

Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CosTypedNotifyChannelAdmin.TypedConsumerAdminOperations
obtain_typed_notification_pull_supplier, obtain_typed_notification_push_supplier
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CosNotifyChannelAdmin.ConsumerAdminOperations
destroy, get_proxy_supplier, lifetime_filter, lifetime_filter, MyChannel, MyID, MyOperator, obtain_notification_pull_supplier, obtain_notification_push_supplier, priority_filter, priority_filter, pull_suppliers, push_suppliers
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CosNotification.QoSAdminOperations
get_qos, set_qos, validate_qos
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CosNotifyComm.NotifySubscribeOperations
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CosNotifyFilter.FilterAdminOperations
add_filter, get_all_filters, get_filter, remove_all_filters, remove_filter
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CosTypedEventChannelAdmin.TypedConsumerAdminOperations
obtain_typed_pull_supplier, obtain_typed_push_supplier
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CORBA.Object
_create_request, _create_request, _duplicate, _get_domain_managers, _get_interface_def, _get_policy, _hash, _is_a, _is_equivalent, _non_existent, _release, _request, _set_policy_override
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CosEventChannelAdmin.ConsumerAdminOperations
obtain_pull_supplier, obtain_push_supplier

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